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Free Sex Toys Makes a Real Happy Meal!

Free Sex Toys.  In a happy meal.  From Burger King.  

For the past few months, I have been commenting about how sex toys have gone mainstream.  Television shows, grocery stores and pharmacies, movies, online news all feature sex toys.  This is something that wouldn't have happened 10 years ago.  

Think about this:  a major fast food chain (Burther King) giving away free sex toys.  NEVER in my life could I have imagined such a thing.  Sex Toys in a happy meal box.  Wow.  I still can't believe I am using the words "free sex toys" and "Burger King" in the same sentence.  

French Fries and a French Tickler.  Now that is a happy meal.

This promotion even confused SNOPES who reported that it appeared to be "partially true" and "partially false".   There are no pictures on the net of anyone buying the product.  Which is a good indicator that the deal was fake. With all of the social media around the world, had this been a valid event, someone would have "checked in" and taken selfies with their Happy Adult Meal with free sex toys!

Even giant Playboy fell for it and began posting about it!

This is genious marketing.  "Burger King" is trending as the most talked about topic world wide right now because of this.  And it is perfect timing, because Burger King announced it was considering the purchase of POPEYES FRIED CHICKEN.  

Having people talk about you and share your name and log millions of times for NOTHING … that is genious marketing.  Yes, our world is now filled with "fake news" — but look at what happens when fake news catches wind — it flies like a kite in the air.


I found this video in English.  But it is a knock-off of the original video on the Israeli Burger King Facebook page.


Although we don't have any free sex toys, be sure to visit LoveWorks Sex Toys Online for a super selection of the sex toys you won't find in a Burger King Happy Meal.

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